statistics nintendo-good


May 5, 2007
Waterloo, ontario, canada
Wii Online Code
Sales for Nintendo Co.'s Wii home video game system and Microsoft Corp.'s Xbox 360 console gained in the latest sales data from Ebay.
Wii held a sales gain of four percent in the past two weeks. It ranks as the No. 1 Most Popular video game hardware with an average sale price of $455.29.

The Xbox 360 held a sales gain of five percent to rank as the No. 2 Most Popular hardware offering. It carried an average sale price of $341.09.

Sony's Playstation 3 held the largest sales gain among new consoles but remained as the third Most Popular console in sales.

Nintendo last week showcased new software titles for Wii, including Wii Fit, a new fitness program that will feature more than 40 exercises.

Microsoft last week championed a blockbuster lineup for year-end, including Rockstar's Grand Theft Auto IV, EA's Madden NFL 08, and Halo 3.

Wii has sold 2.84 million units to date in the U.S., while the Xbox 360 has sold 5.6 million units in the U.S. to date.

These are the june sales for hardware for canada
1. Wii - 53,000
2. NDS - 47,500
3. PS2 - 21,000
4. PSP - 18,500
5. 360 - 13,500
6. GBA - 8,800
7. PS3 - 6,500

i'm surprised the gba is still doing decently well


hmmm nintendo's doing good.....i wander how much cubes were sold, if the gba is still selling....
Nintendo is doing a fantastic job, and it's not because of the low prices of the consoles and handhelds, it's the quality and creativity most people in the video gaming world know very well. Newcomers also find the Wii interesting because of it's new style of gaming.
Yeah they are doing a pretty good job, clearly the numbers show for it.
No doubt they will improve on those when Metroid, Mario Galaxy and Smash Bros. Brawl come out.
I'm still wondering why the GBA is still selling.

For serious, you can just get a DS.

And then be able to experience the wonders of the DS at the same time.

I saw a single Wii in Walmart the other day...
First I seen in months.

I knew I shoulda got my dad to buy it.
Coulda made 100 bucks for some more DS stuff
thats what i like to see.
a company which actually cares about games and their customers. microsoft and sony are too worried about getting out hardware which lasts five minutes(microsoft) and selling it for mega $$$, nintendo sells cheap but keep the amazing quality. in our common room at school the n64 has been thrown( yeah i kno, the cheak) and stepped on but still works fine. the xbox stopped working the first week it was in their.
All i have to say is...


I don't know if people get confused cause of 2 screens, so they just buy 1? xD, stupid thoughts of mine creeping up my spine...

Anyways, I'd be interesting to see how many PS3's were sold during July compared to the Wii and DS....
All I have to say is, google why the wii is doing good, and we are the fourth or fifth hit on there.
FR. said:
Nintendo is doing a fantastic job, and it's not because of the low prices of the consoles and handhelds, it's the quality and creativity most people in the video gaming world know very well. Newcomers also find the Wii interesting because of it's new style of gaming.

Yeah, I was one of those newcomers found Wii interesting.
Wii is my first console game...Before Wii, I only had Gameboy.(long ago)

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