Stars Fox News And Animal Crossing Wii News

nic7 said:
That was I like to hear! (Assuming you're not being sarcastic) Animal Crossing is the man!
Animal Crossing is the seconde best game ever created!!!(First is Banjo Kazooie :p)
Interesting question: Would you guys want an Animal Crossing MMO or would you want it to stay the same as it was?
You know, I think I agree. I mean, I'd have to see how the MMO would work, but as of right now, I'd think I'd prefer to keep it the same. (But of course, making a few enhancements.)
do you guys think theyll sell a hard drive separate from wii?
I put it at 50/50 right now. If they add hard drive support, you know Nintendo will make you buy one of theirs, but they may never add support to the current wiis and just release a new wii all together. Or neither of the above and we have to use SD cards. It should be interesting.
nic7 said:
I put it at 50/50 right now. If they add hard drive support, you know Nintendo will make you buy one of theirs, but they may never add support to the current wiis and just release a new wii all together. Or neither of the above and we have to use SD cards. It should be interesting.
yeah but i think they would bundle new wiis w/ a hard drive, then sell the HD separate as well. i dont think they would leave the millions of peeps who bought wiis before the last Q of 08 out in the cold do you?
I wouldn't hope so, but Nintendo does like you to essentially buy the same system twice. I, personally was gullible enough to own a GBA, an SP, and a micro. So, I fell for their trickery.
I imagine that another system update would enable their hard drives ((if they are making one)) to be read by current wii's. The hardware is already in place ((usb ports)). Just need the firmware/software update to support it.

And while I never played the Star Fox game ((Assault?)) with the foot missions, I did see it all the time where I use to work a few years back. Looked utterly lame, made me glad I didn't own a gamecube. And I loved Star Fox back in the days of Super Nintendo. When it was released for the DS, I almost got it, until I noticed it was stylus controlled. Too many retarded extras have turned me away from it, hopefully a Wii release will bring it back on par.
Heh, this article is shown yet a Zelda site is opened up.

Even though the zelda site is not looking like a legit project would of been nice to see a crossing or Fox one soon to give us some clarification.
nic7 said:
You know, I think I agree. I mean, I'd have to see how the MMO would work, but as of right now, I'd think I'd prefer to keep it the same. (But of course, making a few enhancements.)

Nic7 dont be an idiot if they keep the wii version the same we will be playing AC:WW again but on wii with no wi-fi just co-op and local play so stop whining even with the few enhancements the game will still feel old and outdated. since they are making it an MMO we will have wi-fi 24/7 when you boot the game up the wii goes wi-fi for those who have lan it will do the same and for those who dont have wifi or lan or usb wi-fi then you will play an offline version where the online experience will be recreated. dont you people want a good AC game if you keep whining saying the game should stay the same then you will be the cause of the wii not getting an MMO or stop being called a kids system. think about it.

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