Nintendo Power to reveal Star Fox Wii?


WiiChat Member
Feb 7, 2007
Wii Online Code
Those who grew up with Star Fox will be glad to hear this one. If the Turkish gaming news site Nintendocu is to be believed, then Nintendo Power will be revealing a Star Fox game for the Wii on their next issue.

The New Star Fox game will be called Star Fox Wii: Battle for Corneria. About the only details in the rumor thus far is that the game will have Wii MotionPlus support and an "Online Space Battle Mode" with Wii Speak support capabilities.

That's about it, we'll be keeping this under "rumors" for now.

heres the link
God I hope so, and please say I'll be staying in the cockpit this time.
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i enjoyed the one for snes, never played the64 e or gc one
Thats a shock lol. You should definately play Starfox 64. It's by far the best Starfox title.
I only have a few reasons for holding on to my Wii.

1. Starfox Wii
2. Zelda Wii
3. Red Steel 2
4. Mario galaxy 2
5. Metroid Other M
Hope it's an Arwing game. The on-foot titles weren't bad, but I miss flying.
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Thats a shock lol. You should definately play Starfox 64. It's by far the best Starfox title.

i'll try to pick up the game when i buy my next points card. i wanna try that and 3 musketeers for wiiware (if it any good, anyone played that one?) I wanted that one or that NyxQuest: Kindred Spirits wiiware one.
i already stuck on the dry sand chapter any cheats or walkthroughs for that game any1 know?

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