SSBB Is online and that's final

mushroomedmario said:
monster was not jokingly talking about that, in fact he was flaming us for being logical

well your acting like you know everyone here, and all the rules

you are new

so stfu or gtfo

forums/threads are meant for debates....
It's cute how you guys have your little SSBB cliche on this forum, but don't be pissy towards other people because they disagree with you misinformed or not.
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i figured it was a dupe account but you still should act new..

but your posts weren't really of good quality so i just thought you were a big assholish noob

hmmm vagrant?
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  • #63
uh, no xIcarusx, monsteroids is not joking about wat hes saying.

yep, vagrant most likely. he did get banned, sounds like him a little
mushroomedmario said:
i figured it was a dupe account but you still should act new..

but your posts weren't really of good quality so i just thought you were a big assholish noob

hmmm vagrant?

Every post I have ever read by you, sounded like a 12 year old who just ran out of ritalin.

And I wasn't referring to Monsteroids first post. In that one he just said he isn't giving his hopes up and that he isn't fully convinced it is online. And frankly until The Dojo announces it officially, that is wise.
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  • #66
yep, vagrant lol.

hey hey hey! i said no flamming! not that anyone cares though lol
Shoko said:
yep, vagrant lol.

hey hey hey! i said no flamming! not that anyone cares though lol

No flamming? This entire thread is based on flamming. The fact is, it hasn't been officially announced that the game is going to have online multiplayer. So until it is announced OFFICIALLY people are going to have doubts.

Welcome to the world, thats how it works.

BTW I am closing this window and going back to the smashboards for now.
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  • #68
noticed how u emphasized officially. that means u know that it has been announced, wich it has.

and this thread wasnt about "who doubts brawl will be online", people just started arguin about it, so dont go trippin on me..........
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xIcaruSx said:
No flamming? This entire thread is based on flamming. The fact is, it hasn't been officially announced that the game is going to have online multiplayer. So until it is announced OFFICIALLY people are going to have doubts.

Welcome to the world, thats how it works.

BTW I am closing this window and going back to the smashboards for now.
......o_O dude you have issues.....
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  • #71
lol.u have urs too pit :lol:

As far as Wi-Fi play is concerned, Sakurai has confirmed some functionality."

ummmm, that should end this debate?
I am waiting for some actual non-dated quote saying "we have finished that aspect of the game, therefore it will have wifi that goes specifically like this." Along those lines instead of being a whiny 12 year old fanboy saying: "OMG WE HALF TEH PROOOF!!!!!" Yeah that sounds convincing, but wait look at that date!! They hadn't even started working on that yet! Sakurai was still dreaming up some crazy stuff as well! When the project for online actually started Sakurai-san actually was having doubts, talking about the hurdles they have to overcome to finish the project. I would like to wait it out instead of following a poser fanboy's a theory based on dated quotes!
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  • #73
the date dosent matter IN THIS CASE. ur sayin it does matter cause sakurai can CHANE HIS MIND ABOUT IT BEING ONLINE, but him doin that is...well......just stupid.

(saying theres hurdles to overcome dosent mean that its not online. so yea, useless coment ther monsteroids)
Shoko said:
and this thread wasnt about "who doubts brawl will be online", people just started arguin about it, so dont go trippin on me..........
Is Shoko black? :shocked:
your a ****ing idiot

online started when the game started

it's not like half way through the game they decided to add online

nintendo wanted some online games to show off they can pull off online

and ssbb was one of the(if not THE) most obvious choice

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