SSBB Is online and that's final

mushroomedmario said:
..because it enhances the gameplay?

and you get to have more oppurtunites to play other people...

i haven't been agreeing with your posts lately but that post was really dumb

online enhances all good multiplayer games(excpet mario party....i don't see why anyone would want that online)

Y'all act like its the end of the world if it doesn't have online! Have you even played an N64? How old are you?! :shocked: Seriously, online is quite new and games are just as good without it! What the hell is wrong with you!?
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  • #47
Monsteroids said:
Y'all act like its the end of the world if it doesn't have online! Have you even played an N64? How old are you?! :shocked: Seriously, online is quite new and games are just as good without it! What the hell is wrong with you!?
we never said it wouldnt be good without online. we just want it online so we can, oh i dont know, play people across the country (or world). ur waaayy off-track.
Shoko said:
we never said it wouldnt be good without online. we just want it online so we can, oh i dont know, play people across the country (or world). ur waaayy off-track.

Then whats wrong with someone saying its not online not online not online not online not online if you're so sure it is?
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  • #49
Monsteroids said:
Then whats wrong with someone saying its not online not online not online not online not online if you're so sure it is?
wah? dude, read ur post like 10 times. do u realize wat u just said? i am 100% sure its online, which is why i get mad when people say its not.........

monster, 90% of ur posts in this thread have made no sense
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  • #51
Monsteroids said:
NOT ONLINE! Whats so annoying about someone saying that it ain't online!
cause when some1 says that, they're wrong.....:wtf:

it also annoys me cause people who say that are defying proof thats right in their face

monsteroids, u need some good sleep
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Whats so annoying about someone saying that it ain't online!? You're so sure that it is that you just can't ignore the people who say it isn't or are you like some kind of plaugue who isn't happy until everyone thinks the same thing?! WHAT THE HECK?! HUH?!

This is why I hate organized religion! Christianity is bull anways, but I digress, Why make a thread about confirming its online? I actually don't really care too much, but you god damn fans spouting crap that hasn't really been confirmed and how you can talk about one stupid little site all freaking day is INSANE!!! ITS GOD DAMN ANNOYING AND INSANE!!
Shoko said:
cause when some1 says that, they're wrong.....:wtf:

it annoys me cause i know its when people say its not...........

monsteroids, u need some good sleep

Clearly you have doubts about it being online, otherwise you wouldn't be trying to reassure yourself.
no cause there are a lot of people who say stuff like "guys you don't even know for sure if it's online"

but we do

and that's kinda annoying

it's like someone saying

"guys you don't even know if it's coming out for sure december third"
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  • #55
xIcaruSx said:
Clearly you have doubts about it being online, otherwise you wouldn't be trying to reassure yourself.
Read the first post of this thread. Yea, GTFO please :yesnod:

@ monsteroids: um, if u dont care about it being online or not then why are you in this thread?

Read all this:

As far as Wi-Fi play is concerned, Sakurai has confirmed some functionality."

"Even better, the game will be fully online playable in addition to featuring a robust multiplayer mode."

"My plan is to include Wi-Fi connection compatibility and online functionality. One of the primary reasons Super Smash Bros. Brawl was created was that Nintendo, when taking Wii online, wanted to have Smash Bros. to do that," added Sakurai.

ok, now say that brawl is not onine.............yea, you sounded foolish didnt you.

ummmmm............Pwnage, much?
The only people who say this are people who don't follow SSBB. And who are probably newer to this forum. So why the thread making it seem like it is a huge debate.

And Monster just said it was not online jokingly.

Please be mature and stop turning this into a childish whine thread.
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  • #57
xIcaruSx said:
The only people who say this are people who don't follow SSBB. And who are probably newer to this forum. So why the thread making it seem like it is a huge debate.
people who say wat?
xIcaruSx said:
Clearly you have doubts about it being online, otherwise you wouldn't be trying to reassure yourself.

Seriously... Your Stalking Everyone. GTFO...
xIcaruSx said:
The only people who say this are people who don't follow SSBB. And who are probably newer to this forum. So why the thread making it seem like it is a huge debate.

And Monster just said it was not online jokingly.

Please be mature and stop turning this into a childish whine thread.
monster was not jokingly talking about that, in fact he was flaming us for being logical

well your acting like you know everyone here, and all the rules

you are new

so stfu or gtfo

forums/threads are meant for debates....
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