SSBB Friend Codes

Alright I've got my brawler card...sweet
Errm.. by the way how do the "level-ups" work
I just added Nitsua and Klona to my friend code list.


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Im Dovon Mac

:lol:Hey Im Dovon Email Me for Private Brawls My Email Is
i like all type of Brawls I like any type of Brawls like changing Ratios to .5 or 2.0 for more fun I know how to Change it to a Super Sudden Death I May Lose But i Will Never give up Brawl Email At Anytime If I am not around leave your Email Address items will go between who ever I Play. I Love Explosives Lets Brawl to enter to make an Accont to get to me Lets Brawl It On:lol:
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Brawling has gotten so much better now that I play with all of ya'll.

Thank Ya!
^^My Brawl code.
Shout me out if you want some good matches =]
I'll be ready for you later tonight around 7ish

Sounds like a plan, man =]
Oh, what's your timezone? I'm in EST, so it'll be 7:00 3 hours from now. I just don't want to be too early or late; it's happened multiple times before haha...
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hello i need active freinds to brawl with heres my FC


Pm me when u added me and ill add ASAP
wu still active- where is every brawler!!!!!!!!!?