SSBB Friend Codes

Looking for Highly active players to brawl with every, if not, almost every nite! please add me and P.M. if you do. Brawl friend code is in my sig.

Kirby will put the world of hurt on you!
Hey everyone...look at my signature for my friend code.
Private message me with your code if you add me.
Hey Brawl players, i'm looking for some challenges :D My brawl code is 0774-5731-6472 and user is: .....
PM me if you add me and i'll add you back :D
wu here again! n_n wu:0989-1376-5425. add+ . on every nite.(pacific-time)
on random in the day.
hello im active on brawl and check to see if my freinds are on im looking for active players that play brawl


PM me if u added me
2707 4497 4379

and that's claw

add me and i'll add u. Then i'll show U true pain![ dont forget to add ur fc here)
hey i'm on most of the time so add me my friend code is

and pm me ur brawl code
Active player looking for matches, PM me if you add me and I'll add you back

My code is
2234 - 8610 - 3603
my info:
FC: 5026-4282-1914
Name: Momo
PM 2 notify please, thanks.

P.S. Prepare yourself for a challenge, lol!
wu is really active. wu :0989-136-5425.(pacific-time zone)

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