SSBB Friend Codes

Forum name:Mikevisoni
Freind code:3523-1761-9120

eastern america (eastern time)

Add me and ill add u, just send me a message for battle.

When ever i see some one online i make a stock battle with 10 lives and all items. after a battle with some one u can PM me here to change rules b4 we start another match!
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PM me to add
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WiiChat name: Bluphoenix
Friend Code: 3308-4286-6848
Brawl Wi-Fi name: BURNS
Time Zone: EST (Michigan)

I'm going to go through and add some people in the EST time zone, if anyone adds me, please pm me
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1590 4435 0529

EST (Toronto, Ontario)

I'll Be on most nights after 3:00 EST
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To those of you adding me, give me a little time, my net just crashed yesterday. We've just managed to bring it back online, but my Wii is still having trouble connecting. I'll post when it comes back online.

For future reference, my FC is in my Siggy, the one on the front page has a typo in it. PM me if you add me.