SSBB Friend Codes

Here is my info:

FC: 3694-9708-0460

PM me your Friend Code and name and I'll add you right away! This is about the only option for online play right now. Nintendo's servers are having problems keeping up, so it takes like 5 tries to find someone, and then after you play them, you get disconnected from them. Hopefully this gets better as time goes on.
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anyone on the east coast wanna add me

FC: 3737-9209-5628
SSbb name: Env
Location Florida (Orlando)

Just Pm an i will add u
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eastern america (eastern time)

Add me and ill add u, just send me a message for battle.

When ever i see some one online i make a stock battle with 10 lives and all items. So join :D after a battle with some one u can PM me here to change rules b4 we start another match!
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For those whove seen me, Make sure u added me right.
I added u

My name is Mike



Eastern Time zone


FaDeZ, Killa, Meh Brian, Opie, Z3wpk, FOX, AXTLR, ROB64, Prez, Coop, TurQuic,and Wrath, im still waiting for the registration =*(