SSBB: Daily Update - This world...

Guys the dark purple floaty man picture, he cant be a boss, look in the back ground theres two more purple blobs on the ground forming, they must be lil' crappy minions like in melee the wire ppl.
this thread is really far behind on that update, "ganon in the clouds" is getting a lot farther with this.
You know, I hope this Smas Bros. has a level based on Super Mario Bros. 3 because there was a Super Mario Bros. Level in the 1st Smash Bros. game and a level for Super Mario Bros. 2 (usa) in SSBMelee....
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Acdude6 said:
yeah mario might turn in to......WARIO!!!jk but in the game they just turn into a darker figure of them selves.......and just a bit stronger...!

ill tell u evil , say "look theres o monkey!!!" they look, then kik them in the nut. thats evil .
I'm still trying to figure out what this purple pile of gobbily goop is...
i hope the master hand is still the boss of classic game. i want board the platform game back also. and the noise dk makes in sb64 after he executes his wind up punch, i also want the entries back
spawnminion said:
ya the look like nintendo might show quite a bit but they don't explain it very well..
berry berry true.....but thats what they wanted to do,so that minds will go crazy and people will have to buy the game!!ha ha ha!!i evil!

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