SSBB: Daily Update - Bowser

Rob Rymond

WiiChat Member
Jun 17, 2007
Solihull, U.K
[xfloat=left][/xfloat]After yesterday's significant update, todays is a little subdued.

However we still have some pretty pictures to bring you of Bowser who is back, bigger than ever. According to the update this time around he's pretty different, but then so are all the characters and it'll take time for you to get used to them apparently.

Anyway look at the images below, go discuss in the topic and we'll have more tomorrow as per usual!


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I remember those 3 attacks (and I think #4 is his taunt?..). Not sure how he could be much different...I guess the speed of jumping and falling is what is going to take some getting used to, apparently the games going to be slower (from what Sakurai said).
Bowser defiantley looks better than his Melee counterpart, and to top it off the fire he breaths looks spectacular too!

I hope he's better than in Melee, because He's probably the worst in that game considering his slow speed and non range attacks. Up close he's better though.
En4Neo said:
Bowser defiantley looks better than his Melee counterpart, and to top it off the fire he breaths looks spectacular too!

I agree, he does look much better than he did in Melee. Thanks for the info.
To point out the GFX even more...look at the platform he's standing on. Look at all the "tech" detail on it...incredible. SSBB will far surpass SSB & SSBM, especially with online play.
I hope it runs in 480P! Of course that's nothing compared to 360 or PS3, but for the Wii that is spectacular! I don't really care about Bowser that much, I don't think he was the worst in Melee (Pichu anyone). I just care about Zelda getting in and she did a few weeks ago so that is great!:)
WiiChatter said:
bowser looks like a plushy.

if by that you mean stuffed animal, than i agree. he looks kind of wierd actually if you look closely. his body is very spikey and looks cool, but then his head is very round and doesn't look all too mean. his head does look like a stuffed animal.
from the looks of all the posts it doesnt seem like anyone really liked bowser all too much.but i loved bowser in the previous smash bros i wooped ass with him and i shall do the same with this one. he has very strong attacks and can really do damage if taken too lightly especially when im him.
Bowser does not look like a plushy. He looks like a half turtle/half dragon, same as always. His head matches his body fine imo.
ssbb_lover said:
To point out the GFX even more...look at the platform he's standing on. Look at all the "tech" detail on it...incredible. SSBB will far surpass SSB & SSBM, especially with online play.
Yea, Online play!!!
Im gunna $hit my pants!!!!
I cant imagine just doing a tournament online!!!
So cool...
DAAAAAMMIT!!! I cant go online my internet dont work <.<
lol, I dont have the thing to hook up online.... if any1 were to help me out with that..... that would just be super pooper