Brawl kicking out melee characters?

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sasuke747 said:
OK they have not said anything about Ganondorf just so you know. And we are talking about Naruto!!!! Do you mind?

The entire first few pages of the thread are about people moaning that Ganondorf will be left out. Read it.
ye why get rid of the most strongest enemy in LOZ but the prob he has to be in TP to be in ssbb but maybe it will be pig gannondorf
Italian_Boy1Up said:
Except Dr. Mario. He was a complete waste.!

Couldn't agree more. Why have two Marios, the only difference being one is in a doctor suit and fires pills instead of fireballs? It's silly.
TheTwilightPrince said:
The entire first few pages of the thread are about people moaning that Ganondorf will be left out. Read it.

-.- I wasnt referring to people here on this forum I was referring to Nintendo, how the heck do you know they are still gonna have Ganondorf?
in touch with the wii said:
ye why get rid of the most strongest enemy in LOZ but the prob he has to be in TP to be in ssbb but maybe it will be pig gannondorf

He doesn't have to be in Twilight Princess to be in Brawl, why would that be a rule?

I think monster Ganon as a boss would be good. Sure beats the Master Hand anyway...
sasuke747 said:
-.- I wasnt referring to people here on this forum I was referring to Nintendo, how the heck do you know they are still gonna have Ganondorf?

Common sense logic. Ganondorf was obviously rushed, hence why he was a clone. Now that they've given him time, he'll know doubt appear with a different move-set. Why would they get rid of one of the most famous Nintendo characters of all time?
So anyway, the three characters I'd love to see out of brawl are Dr. Mario, Pichu and Ice Climbers. None of them bring anything to the game in my opinion.
What Nintendo needs to do is kick out the "pointless" characters. Dr. Mario is just a Mario clone, and Pichu is just a bad version of Pikachu. Hopefully we will see a new Ganondorf (revamped moves), and a new Mewtwo, as he was very disappointing in my opinion. Ice Climbers have had their little dose of fame with the Smash Bros. series, so it's time to move on. It's not like they are even vaguely popular anyway, so they should go. Jigglypuff should stay, for some reason the game would feel kind of empty without him. Some more F-Zero characters would be good. I hope Daisy isn't in it. Let's face it, she would just be a Peach clone.

I'm looking forward to playing with one of my favourite Nintendo characters, Wario. It's about time he was in it. I used to play as Kirby, but not anymore. Make way for the explosive farts! :)
ganondorf234 said:
did you know we have a another clone,......... Meta Knight is a clone of Kirby.
and i agree, more f-zero characters.

I don't think Meta knight will be a clone of Kirby. There may be some similarities though. It should be interesting to see what range of moves Meta Knight has.

What would be REALLY good in Brawl would be if Link could transform into the wolf in TP. That or Fierce Deity Link and I'm happy :cool:
he should just stay the same or fierce link has a new character.
i found a pic and it shows that Meta Knight is doing what Kirby does for his A</>.

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