dark samus
come to the dark side....
hy, i got back from a flea market (trash and treasure) and we got some spray paint among the other things, so since the faceplate of the guitar dosnt require any DAMN tri wing screwdriver to come off, i spray painted it. heres some pictures.

i also spray painted my controller but it turned out terrible because i tried to spray paint it without taking it apart, so im buyng a new shell i'll post the pics of my remote with the new wii remote sheel when i get it
please post your oppininons on what you think. its ps2/3/ style but gibson...

i also spray painted my controller but it turned out terrible because i tried to spray paint it without taking it apart, so im buyng a new shell i'll post the pics of my remote with the new wii remote sheel when i get it
please post your oppininons on what you think. its ps2/3/ style but gibson...