Free Guitar Faceplate


WiiChat Member
Jan 12, 2007
Did anyone else get a FREE guitar faceplate from Red Octane/Activision today? I came home to a box on my porch with it and a note saying "thanks for your patience during the disc recall." It was pretty cool, but of course that is probably a "settlement" that will prevent everyone from suing over false advertisement. This is in reference to the GH3 discs not having Dolby Pro Logic II and the replacement program. I sent mine in and got my new disc back about 2 weeks ago. So I was pretty suprised to see this little bonus.
I heard about that, but I didn't have a problem with my copy. How does it look? I was always apprehensive to buy a faceplate for mine because I think the wiimote just makes it look...wrong. I don't know.
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It is just like the ones at the store. It still has the big ole slot for the Wiimote
yeah I got a free faceplate about a week or two after I got the remastered game disc
Wow, Fedex just delivered my free faceplate (!) so it was one week after I received the replacement disc. Nice!

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