Sonic vs. Mario Galaxy

Wiitendo said:
wiimote will be used on sonic and the secret rings, im just going to buy both :D
Well, duh, the Wiimote will be used on both games, it's the fact that many editors on websites that went to E3 are saying that the controls are flawless and really work with a platformer. Sonic looks good, but it's nothing ground-breaking.
Nfanboy said:
Super Mario Galaxy by a long shot. If Nintendo Power (the magizine) doesn't give Super Mario Galaxy a 10.0, I will send a batch of rabid insane monkeys to deal with them. lol jk I will send a really really angry letter to them though.

Super Mario Galaxy could possibly be the best game ever. Along there with Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door which is my favorite game ever.

Thousand year door kicks ass!...but mine got destroyed by my brother and never finished it..

I also say galaxy, sonic will be good, but galaxy will be better
I never got into SEGA gaming. I'll go with SMG because it's Nintendo and the motion scensing abilities looks like they kicked in great. Guiding a floating Mario around...I can't wait!
Dude, just watch the Super Mario Galaxy videos. Just sitting there watching them makes you want to play right now. No offense to Sonic, I'm picking this game up too, asap.
Nfanboy said:
Super Mario Galaxy by a long shot. If Nintendo Power (the magizine) doesn't give Super Mario Galaxy a 10.0, I will send a batch of rabid insane monkeys to deal with them. lol jk I will send a really really angry letter to them though.

Super Mario Galaxy could possibly be the best game ever. Along there with Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door which is my favorite game ever.
Paper Mario was WAY better than its sequel, next The New Sonic will be a good game but not A great game like Mario Galaxy.
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ok i admit sonic team have created some crappy games of sonic but have u guys even seen reviews or trailers of sonic? theres much more speed and adventure in a sonic game than a mario game anyday to be honest, im not tryin 2 start an argument, but mario is a wee fat plumber!
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depends wot u like spitfire just think who u like best out of sonic and mario and choose wot game ur gonna but. no pressure :cough: sonic :cough::D
It has no point comparing this two diferent games.
But lets answer your thread, SMG is the best between this two games. Sonic can be a fun game to play, but SMG has already cause to damm good expectations in Mario's fans by its new gameplay. This game will be one of the best games for this console.
I'm going to get it on its release.
Nfanboy said:
mario. It has a longer storyline. Sonic is just collecting stuff. Mario's where it's at:yesnod:

haha. nice wording I agree. Sonic gets boring after collecting all those rings. But with Mario. it's freaking MARIO! you know its awsome.
Is this even a debate...obviously Mario is better than Sonic. Sonic isn't even on the same plain as Mario...thats so funny.

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