

WiiChat Member
Nov 26, 2006
Wii Online Code
I was wondering if I should get the new sonic and the secret rings. Is it a good game? Is it worth getting?
i just rented it. it was pretty good, held my attention, but i beat it in like a day, so if you have gamefly or blockbuster, just rent it, its very easy to beat.
FWELR said:
i just rented it. it was pretty good, held my attention, but i beat it in like a day, so if you have gamefly or blockbuster, just rent it, its very easy to beat.
Lol I feel dumb now, mine took me 12 hours to beat...
how do u people beat things in 12 hours...ive had zelda since christmas and still havent beaten it, i guess thats due to the fact that i play about an hour every 3 days tho. and im constantly stuck.
scubasteve said:
how do u people beat things in 12 hours...ive had zelda since christmas and still havent beaten it, i guess thats due to the fact that i play about an hour every 3 days tho. and im constantly stuck.

u try using a guide? seriously, those can be very helpful in the dungeons. usually when i get a new game, ill sit down and play it until i beat it or have to go to sleep or school. then ill beat it again one more time trying to unlock everything. usually that takes me more than a couple days or in zelda's case over 2 weeks.
I still can't get into Sonic, I just beat another level today but I really don't find it fun anymore..
it depends if you like sonic or not i think this game will push the wii remote to it limits but as aprevious post said it maybe to easy
Sonic is not easy, if you try and get gold on every mission, sure anyone can get to the end boss ( SPOILERS not erazor djinn) but I doubt that most people will get gold on all the mission and all of the fire souls.
Bryan_ said:
I still can't get into Sonic, I just beat another level today but I really don't find it fun anymore..

I found myself feeling the same way. Sonic wasn't that much fun to me. I rented it and lost interest pretty quick. I kept going back to the game trying to give it a fare shake but after 4 days I was ready to take it back. Glad I didn't buy it.
I posted in another thread about Sonic, but I feel like I should post here. If you're expecting the new Sonic to be like the old ones, you'll be disappointed. I was.... :frown2:

I just couldn't get the hang of the controls and you don't really get to control all of Sonic's movements as the game 'takes over' at certain points. I'm taking mine to EBGames to trade it, I'd rather get SSX Blur than keep this to be honest.
Yea Yes and yeaaaaa sonic rox but i read somwere if u dont like *j pop/rock* music ithe music will realy piss u off

*J Pop/Rock = Japan Pop/Rock*
FWELR said:
u try using a guide? seriously, those can be very helpful in the dungeons. usually when i get a new game, ill sit down and play it until i beat it or have to go to sleep or school. then ill beat it again one more time trying to unlock everything. usually that takes me more than a couple days or in zelda's case over 2 weeks.
Well imo using a guide does ruin the game a little unless you're totally stuck! and I do the same as you, complete the game then do it again getting everything.

Sonic is a great game 12 hours in and about half way haha i suck :(
Sonic is ok, I bought it today. Quick assessment: The party side of it is reasonable, and the game in adventure mode is cool too. It is fun to play and DOES use the remote in interest ways, but the game itself tends to... well... Play itself! far to much of that going on. it just barely excapes from just being video footage in some places. And in others it gets painfully interactive out of the blue. The pace changes repeatedly.

It IS a fun game, once you get into it, but it could be better They tried to make it less linear, but it seems like they stopped halfway through that process... Very pretty though :D

I intend to play a lot more of it - but then, its AUD$80 to justify having spent, so I kind of feel obliged now ;D
I got this through the door over the weekend and couldnt wait to sit down and get involved. but as previously mentioned there is somewhat of a learning curve with the Wii remote but im beginning to get the hang of it.

The visuals are very impressive, i'd go as far as to say its the best i've seen from the Wii so far and it handles the speed of the game very well.

Only niggling part is the level menu is a little odd at times and the cartoon style cut scenes tend to drag on a little.

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