Sega has today released details and screenshots of the next coloured Wisp, the Blue Wisp, as featured in the forthcoming Wii game, Sonic Colours. When Sonic absorbs Blue Wisp, which is a cube-shaped Wisp with three eyes, he can then use the mysterious “Blue Cube” Colour Power, which switches blue blocks and blue rings, instantly changing the route available to you so that you can explore further. And that’s not all that the Blue Cube can do, folks! Blue Cube Colour Power can actually destroy nearby enemies simply by landing on the ground.

So to recap, the Wisps that have been revealed so far are Pink, Green, and Blue. Sega says it will be revealing details of more Wisp Colour Powers very shortly. And just to whet your appetite for the game even further, Sega’s Sonic City Blognik has today posted a new gameplay trailer from Sonic Colours, which you can see right here.
Click here to view the embedded video.
Sonic Colours is due to be released for the Wii on November 12, 2010.