SEGA’s Secret Project Needlemouse is Sonic 4!-1.052010-02-04 13:03:10Maura S

Finally the cat, or should that be hedgehog, is out of the bag! SEGA of America has today revealed that their mysterious new game called Project Needlemouse is actually Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode 1! Yes, the latest in the classic series starring everyone’s favourite blue hedgehog will be released as downloadable content for WiiWare this summer, 16 years on from the release of Sonic the Hedgehog 3.
SEGA is clearly revelling in all the excitement the announcement has generated, and they really are milking the whole concept of drip-feeding the fans with information bit-by-bit. If you check out the new website for the game, you’ll see that there are several countdown clocks which indicate when you can expect to see the next bit of concept art or piece of news on the site. You can also see a teaser trailer which reveals that Sonic 4 will be a 2D adventure, just like the classic Sonic of the past.
So far Sonic himself is the only character to be announced (no surprise there!). He’ll be armed with his signature Spin Dash and Homing attacks, but I’m sure he’ll have some new tricks up his furry blue sleeve too. We’ll bring you more news and screenshots as soon as they’re available.