Sonic and the Secret Rings, reviewed

hey_suburbia said:
If there is online multiplayer this game will be SO good. Fingers crossed!
Are you kidding? The game is 8 days away and you think theirs even the slightest chance of online and no ones heard if it?

It just got reviewed too... it would make just a little sense of they mentioned the online play.
OK, here we go, I dont like that they are taking away the original Sonic story where Eggman is the main target, and put him in a real book, I dont like that, but I do like everything else, cant wait for it to come out, and the other Sonic games shouldnt have got any bad ratings, they were too fun to deserve the ratings that they got...
Yes but it was all cut-scenes in those Xbox 360, and PS3 games(even though I never played them) and by the way this Sonic game comes out in 15 days not 8..and why not? maybe it will be online and they want to surprise one really knows
I still remeber playing sonic adventure battle 2 on the gamecube!! it was ok i hope this one will be 10Xs better. (PS i wonder how my choas are doing? lol)
nice comes out in Europe on the 2nd March, right after payday :).
Myess."said maniacaly" lol, mario couldnt ever hold a tourch to Sonic, never could, never will:D
No, hes not...Mario is a fat plummer from Italy, whos only skills are jumping and blowing fireballs, Sonic holds the jumping skill wayyyyy over Mario, and Sonic is the fastest thing alive, duh, Super Sonic would DEMOLISH the Racoon Mario/Metal Mario/Fireball Mario/etc.
...but not giant Mario. aha! you see? Mario has lots of abilities unlike Sonic, and Mario's from Italy! that's the best, it's one of the few latino characters invented in Japan.
No, but Hyper Sonic would MOLEST Giant Mario, as a matter of fact, normal Sonic could whoop Giant Mario, Mario couldnt even ever hope to even try to keep track of Sonic while hes beating his circles ran around him into him.
lol...ok just like in the other thread, you like Sonic and don't like Mario, I like Mario and don't like Sonic, let's leave it at that
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Here is the character select screen:
yes, see? isn't that very similar to the Smash select screen? it's a nod to Nintendo wanting to put Sonic in Brawl
Sonic will be in brawl if snake is in brawl!And sonic will whip every single character in that game, MY fav guy in ssb was always mario but sonic is going to change that! And i bet i'm better than any of you guys at any sonic game!

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