

WiiChat Member
Sep 20, 2006
Auzzie land (freo)
Wii Online Code
heres a cool review of sonic:

after watching this review i/we learnet that its a really hard game, so its not a kiddy game like i kinda thought it would be,, they say that sometimes it can get really challenging and hardcore at times..
ime gonna get this when it comes out in march in Australia, coz i think ime gonna have tons of fun with this game..

what does every 1 else tihnk??
any1 got this game yet? if so what is it like?
I was a HUUGE sonic guy until i played that ps3/xbox360 sonic the hedgehog game on both systems.
ITS SHIIIT. At the movies the graphics are wild but it comes 2 gameplay and it degrades. And the sonic energy that flowed through sonic games is no longer there.
Shadow the Hedgehog and this game are eroding sonics reputation.

I hope this game brings it back.
It will. It's basically running forward by tiliting the wiimote forward [Like the Cow game on WiiPlay] so it's basically the old style :)
I dont think you have to tilt the remote forward, from what i have heard in nintendo mags is that it automatically runs for you but you can stop him from running etc.
unless i misread the sonic reviews in the mags.
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its funny though.. in the gamespot and ign review they seem to say Tons of good stuff about it, besides that its fustrating and the controls get annoing..
and it only got 6.9 and 7.5.. 7.5 is pretty good though..
ime stil gonna get it though, they said its a pretty deep Really fast paced with nice graphics and fun multiplayer games..
cant wait
I loved Sonic Adventure 1 and 2, and everyone seems to think they were bad. Honestly, if this is even remotely better than those ones, then I'm going to love it.

I have to agree with the part about the story (or lack thereof). I would prefer that the game have some sort of narrative that I can follow, to get me more excited and emotional about Sonic as a character. But I'll still play and enjoy it.

Also, the part about the multiplayer, I completely agree with. I was thinking the same thing. Maybe the Wii has enough of these mini-game games to last the lifetime of the console. I want to seem some more fleshed out, quality games coming to the Wii. Rather than everyone capitalizing on the success of mini-games with the Wiimote.

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