Some Good News


WWE ON Wii!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Feb 27, 2007
Wii Online Code
Found this Fine Piece of Info from good ol' IGN:

Wii To Win
Yet another analyst chooses Wii as the next-gen victor.
by Micah Seff
US, March 1, 2007 - Analyst group IDC recently published a study, entitled Worldwide Videogame Console Hardware and Software Forecast 2006-2011: Ready for a New Game, where the firm predicted that Nintendo's sleek new Wii would outship and outsell both the Xbox 360 and PlayStation3 through the end of fiscal year 2008.

"With the Wii, Nintendo is abdicating the specification war, leaving Sony and Microsoft to slug it out between themselves for the hardcore market," says Billy Pidgeon of IDC. "We believe concerted efforts to broaden the appeal of videogames beyond the traditional enthusiast/hardcore base will deepen the industry's penetration. This is good news for an industry that seemed to be receding last year due to over-saturation of the core base."

While IDC believes that the race will be much closer overall this generation than it was in the last, it still cited Nintendo as the most likely winner, at least through 2008. Nintendo's decision to innovate and make games more accessible to a market beyond the traditional gaming hardcore may actually prove fruitful; something that early sales numbers of the Wii have been indicating.

Looks good for Nintendo...
I think all of this generation of consoles are pretty equal. The sales will probably be pretty close as long as Nintendo starts making some good games. If they do the same thing they did with the GC then the PS3 and 360 will probably outsell it.
tru dat. get some games foo. dont just come out with super smash and metroid and think everything is coo, we need stabililty. we need consistincy.
It'll come down to the games. I believe Microsoft and Nintendo will dominate 90-95% of the market. It's a race to sell the most units, the most games, and Sony is dead last this time around. As any race the PS3's so far back it's being lapped. It'll be a miracle if they pull out from a 10:1 ratio predicted by the end of 2007. No game console in history has ever recovered from such a massive gap.
sagema said:
It'll come down to the games. I believe Microsoft and Nintendo will dominate 90-95% of the market. It's a race to sell the most units, the most games, and Sony is dead last this time around. As any race the PS3's so far back it's being lapped. It'll be a miracle if they pull out from a 10:1 ratio predicted by the end of 2007. No game console in history has ever recovered from such a massive gap.
10:1? can you count? (10M + 5 M)/750K= 20:1... 25:2(xbox) 15:2(wii)
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Why would they be happy about ps3's still on there shelves???

But i still think ps3 could come back if they keep some good game titles and cut the price by atleast $200, then i'd get one.

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