So Playstation pulls a fast one on me.

this happened to mine also, i tried to return it and say it was broken from the start but i was too lazy, i tried taking out the battery and memory card for an hour and nothing ( this works if you brick your pc by changing some BIOS options by taking out the internal battery for an hour and back in) well it wasnt working so i thought it was hopeless. I kept the battery out for about 2 or 3 days and i forgot about it and then when I came across it again I popped the battery and memory card back in and it booted right up, I needed to update again because it was reset to default. I hope this helps it might save ya $120
lol free games on psp too bad i bought mine with a newer version on it. I have absolutley no problem udating my PSP. I just got 3.01 about 3 days ago, and i must say it is pretty cool.

"Also.I failed to mention that I once formated the memory card using my PC but I doubt that would cause my system to screw up like that"

umm, why? Even if it is safe to do that why do it? just do it on the psp they have that option you know. also what you could do is (assuming you have a friend with a psp or another memory card) you could use their memory card with the patch still on the memory card and udate that way. It overides the version on your PSP system not on the memory card so that might be a possible thing to do. gettign ride of my psp. im tired of it, anyone want it? lol yah i has a DS then i sold it, then got a psp, now im thinking about getting a DSlite becuase if theirs really sweet stuuf for the wii and ds it would be more worth it. plus i think ds games are more fun i miss AW

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