AGH! McAfee sucks!

Kiwi said:
Ahem... AVG...

We have a winner! AVG is all I, reliable, updated more frequently than ANY commercial antivirus software...

I especially like when I download it and the build date is the same as the current date...
I use it on Windows because I get it free with Comcast. It seems to work ok but I don't use it much since I rarely use Windows any more. You could also get a Mac. Or at least use Linux. And Kiwi WTF is up with that dog ****ing a pokemon in your sig?
It's a shame AVG isn't more well known...number of problems I've had with it = 0.

Number of problems I've had with the "big guys" = lost count (now granted, I'm not very bright, so I can't count all that high)...


Norton is probably the worst when it comes to infesting every nook and cranny of your system and being a real PITA to remove...
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  • #20
paintba||er said:
I use it on Windows because I get it free with Comcast. It seems to work ok but I don't use it much since I rarely use Windows any more. You could also get a Mac. Or at least use Linux. And Kiwi WTF is up with that dog ****ing a pokemon in your sig?

PSHT! I wish I could get a mac! Those things are awesome. I especially love how the new ones come with a built in web-cam. I don't know why. The band teacher at my school has two of them in the band room.... And they say you don't make much off of teaching. Wait... No wonder my school sucks!
ThatGuy127 said:
PSHT! I wish I could get a mac! Those things are awesome. I especially love how the new ones come with a built in web-cam. I don't know why. The band teacher at my school has two of them in the band room.... And they say you don't make much off of teaching. Wait... No wonder my school sucks!

Why can't you get one?
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  • #22
A) I'm 14
B) I get no allowance
C) I have no means of my own income
D) I just got this computer for Christmas
E) (Has any letter count list ever gotten up to 'E'? It sounds weird...) Macs are about $1000
F) I suck at saving any money I get
I'm 14 too at least for a few weeks. I don't get any allowance but I do have a job. And you can get a Mac Mini for $600. That what I got, but I upgraded it a bit so it actually costed $750. Now I just need to save up $2000 to get me a maxed out Macbook. :yesnod:
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  • #24
Where'd you get your job? I told my mom I could get a job at McDonald's, but she doesn't believe me. I was thinking about getting a job at the IGA in town as a stock-boy, but I don't think they're hiring.
Well my dad owns a underground power company so I just work for his business. I just have to put pvc in a ditch, hammer it together and hook it up to the power. Then after I do that the power company comes and pulls the actual power line through the pipe and hook it up. Its hard work but its fairly easy.
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  • #26
Lucky... My dad works as a contractor.

What exactly is a Mac Mini? Does it just turn any computer into a Mac? Like, just adds the RKLauncher (thingy at the bottom of the Mac's screen) and Widgets, and whatnot.

I don't know how I'm gonna be able to save up $600 without blowing it all on something I don't need. I think it took me a year to save up for my iPod Mini, then the videos came out so I just sold my PS2 and got a 30 GB iPod video. But I don't have any game systems to sell, and even then, I wouldn't get $600. Unless I sold both (Wii and 360), but I'd never do that.
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  • #28
Well, I mean I knew it didn't turn a computer into a Mac. I already looked at that... But wasn't thinking right. Yeah, I think I'm gonna save up for one of those. The quest begins...

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