Sick of Competition

360chat is small,but their semi-friendly, ps3chat from what ive observed is home to a bunch of shitty fanboys. assholes basically. wiichat is cool though, hell, weve even got a 360 subforum as well as ps3.
i think wii people are so friendly because its not like 360 or ps3. 360 and ps3 are all about big games and awsome graphics, and plagued by fps after fps. not ragging on the two systems, i like awsome graphics, and love the 360 i own, and would like a ps3, but they are very similar. thats why they are at each others necks. the wii is unique, and kind of out there, people owning a wii usually own a 360 or ps3 along with it, cuz they like the unique part of the little white box, but also like having a powerful system with awsome graphics.
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Yeah ginger I agree with you and I too plan to get another next-gen console. I am thinking I want a 360 over a ps3 just because it's cheaper. We'll see, this isn't for 3 weeks anyway. Gosh don't you all just love waiting for paychecks lol.
let them flame. They are trying to convince each other that their console is better and hopefully one day they switch over.
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Oh, Renz, I don't want to encourage them to switch over because they should play what they like. I am quite disappointed with the Wii myself so there is no way I will recommend the system to anyone other than the casual gamer.
MrKlown said:
Yeah ginger I agree with you and I too plan to get another next-gen console. I am thinking I want a 360 over a ps3 just because it's cheaper. We'll see, this isn't for 3 weeks anyway. Gosh don't you all just love waiting for paychecks lol.

Get a 360
It has its own games
Jay588 said:
its gonna happen, just like if you say you like mcdonalds over burgerking..its stupid but its just how people like to feel better about themselves, dont take it to heart :yesnod:

well actually, burger king is clearly better than mcdonalds. ever see supersize me?
It always amazes me when they defend the PS3 sales. Then you see the actual units sold. Gripe and moan away, the truth is always in facts, and not opinions.

Fact: It costs too much to develop games on the PS3, average $8-$20 million, 1/4 the price for the Wii.
Fact: Developers have outsourced far too much talent, and now few know how to use the latest technology. So a person needs a decent level of education to comprehend multi core processors, no 1 button solutions here. At least not for a while.
Fact: Programmers hate programming on the PS3, at Verrant it's nicknamed the swear box, because of how hard it is to use. Sony ignored the game developers warnings on almost everything. If it costs you $20 million to make a game that only sells 100,000 copies, you may be out of business. Only 10 out of the 1,000+ game companies can afford to lose $20 million a year.
sagema said:
It always amazes me when they defend the PS3 sales. Then you see the actual units sold. Gripe and moan away, the truth is always in facts, and not opinions.

Fact: It costs too much to develop games on the PS3, average $8-$20 million, 1/4 the price for the Wii.
Fact: Developers have outsourced far too much talent, and now few know how to use the latest technology. So a person needs a decent level of education to comprehend multi core processors, no 1 button solutions here. At least not for a while.
Fact: Programmers hate programming on the PS3, at Verrant it's nicknamed the swear box, because of how hard it is to use. Sony ignored the game developers warnings on almost everything. If it costs you $20 million to make a game that only sells 100,000 copies, you may be out of business. Only 10 out of the 1,000+ game companies can afford to lose $20 million a year.

Ii probably cost more to make PS3 games than other consoles, but I don't know if programmers hate to programming on PS3. Since PS3 games are pretty hot too these days.
They payed the most = Their's must be better = It must come with FREE bragging rights

wtf are you talking about, i see people making fun of the 360 and ps3 all the time around here. 360chat i see the least of it, ps3chat i see the most of it, and i guess wiichat is the in between one.

ronjon13 said:
we acknowledge that the ps3 and 360 are in a completely different class. the wii is taking gaming in a new direction while sony and microsoft are just trying to improve what we all ready have.
im pretty sure 360 lead the way for console online communties, a huge innovation, just something not recognized.
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every console has something special, the wii: a new way to play 360: best online community ps3: best looking games. pick or choose your' favorite.
MrKlown said:
Are any of you all a member over at ps3chat or xbox360chat? Well I have been noticing that this forum is the only one of the three that does not flame the other consoles. Xbox 360 isn't as bad as PS3 guys though. Why do they feel the need to flame the Wii. What purpose does it really solve? You don't like the console, fine deal with it but why flame? I saw people on the ps3 forum get down right upset over each other just because one person says the wii sucks and the other says the ps3 sucks. They're all good consoles that have good things about them. Xbox 360 is clearly the online bit, PS3s are something like a 360 only they don't burn up lol, and a Wii even with shitty graphics has good gameplay. I was watching the people over there say how horrible Super Mario Galaxy was and I just don't see how they can say that. They think SMG is for children which my nephew tried to play it and he just isn't very good at it compared to me. I am just sick of the console wars and wish they'd all just come together in peace but it aint ever gonna happen. I am not sure why I am ranting on this but I just wanted to say something to someone.

actually your wrong ive been a part of the playstaion forums for 5 years now and the flame from ps3 is more on xbox than the wii in the forums you'll barly see any talk of the wii but alot about how xbox sux (not saying it does its what they say (*cough and me cough*) ) but yea im not sure who the xbox fanboys flame ova but i would say ps3 is more friends with wii than xbox (even the wii works on the psp see!!! were friends
MrKlown said:
Yeah ginger I agree with you and I too plan to get another next-gen console. I am thinking I want a 360 over a ps3 just because it's cheaper. We'll see, this isn't for 3 weeks anyway. Gosh don't you all just love waiting for paychecks lol.

cheaper how the cheapest ps3 is 399.99 and thats the 40gb with wirelss and you can always upgrade to a bigger HD like me i got a 120gb HD so yea its not cheaper unless you buy the old xbox360 (meaning not elite) and without the internet attachment that goes on top

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