Should i get zelda?

Elfman said:
Before I played this game, hadn't played any Zelda game. I knew they existed, but I didn't know what they were about. (I knew about some Link guy?).
But then... I borrowed Twilight Princess from a friend. Meh, it's okay... I'm just fishin', hearding goats... I thought it was kinda dull, even boring at some time. But when I got the Sword, things changed. It was awesome. I haven't even finished it, but I think it's the best game I've ever played.

That answer your question :D

Yes for sure you should get Zelda its the one of the best games ive ever played. But any way your probaly wondering why i put in this quote well my answer is that the person said it was dull and even boring until he got a sword. I dont relly see the point of this comment because you get a sword in about the first 1 and a half and it takes about 40+ hours to complete if you dont known what to do in some parts. So you cant relly judge a game form like less than %1. I do rearlise l8ter you though the game was relly good but dont bother making a opion about %1 of the game. Its like judging a mario game because you dislike the first level.
Yes, get it, do not hesitate. It is a great game and a must have for any wii owner who enjoys an adventure game.
yes- this is a realy good game!!!
only 1 thing, read everything bucause i start it and i have't read.
so i start over and i know what i must do:) anywhy, you need realy to buy it i play Zelda every day,all of the day:p
Link888 said:
Yes for sure you should get Zelda its the one of the best games ive ever played. But any way your probaly wondering why i put in this quote well my answer is that the person said it was dull and even boring until he got a sword. I dont relly see the point of this comment because you get a sword in about the first 1 and a half and it takes about 40+ hours to complete if you dont known what to do in some parts. So you cant relly judge a game form like less than %1. I do rearlise l8ter you though the game was relly good but dont bother making a opion about %1 of the game. Its like judging a mario game because you dislike the first level.

I didn't say the game was boring. I didn't judge the game. I said it started slow, that's all.
My god the Wii owns... said:
I'd never played a Zelda game before Twilight Princess, and now I'm a Zelda maniac.
Interpret that however you want.

A justifiable noob?
My god the Wii owns... said:
I'd never played a Zelda game before Twilight Princess, and now I'm a Zelda maniac.
Interpret that however you want.
ditto, and this is the story of many. if you don't buy this game, we will come over to your house, take whatever games you have for any system you have and take it to EB/Gamestop and trade as much as we need in so you can get Zelda. if you don't play this game, you are cheating yourself out of the longest title on Wii besides Paper Mario and Godfather. and Godfather is a little too glitchy, so get this.
i would not get it the zelda game are geting away for wat they are about. the frst game was you have to get the pices of tryforce and then beat ganon. now it has zant and a were firrey person i dnot like it it sucks!!!!! i dont like it sorry if you do i spen over 100 hrs on the gcn ver beause it is miored from the wii one so i am not geting the wii one they should of been the same.
Bigjake52 said:
i would not get it the zelda game are geting away for wat they are about. the frst game was you have to get the pices of tryforce and then beat ganon. now it has zant and a were firrey person i dnot like it it sucks!!!!! i dont like it sorry if you do i spen over 100 hrs on the gcn ver beause it is miored from the wii one so i am not geting the wii one they should of been the same. is definitely not "geting away for wat they are about." Zant's a new character because they introduced the twighlight world and hes being ruled by Ganon who has a third of the triforce. Sounds pretty familar.
i don't think umm ganan has anything to do with the dark relm i have beat the game 2times and still nothing about ganon and zant are some how working tougher. i wasted 50$ on it i don't see how any of you say iot is the best tho i did not like it even i have played the wii on i rented it. and download a save file just pas the boring stuff i never liked it. i'm going to sell it