Should I Get Zelda?

simply a matter of opinion *YES* i think its a great *GET* game that deserves a lot *ZELDA* more credit than some people give it.
Mais said:
Easily a 50 hour game if you don't power through it. There are some of us who enjoy these games and don't see them as a time trial.

Are you saying I'm not one of them!? I love to collect all the stuff. Usually my 1st game is a stumble-through, 2nd a "collect all the stuff you missed" file, and 3rd is a time trial!
Yes go buy the game its a real good game

Don't rush through it with walkthroughs etc.... you'll just spoil the fun and moneys worth :)

who cares if you finished it in 30 hrs or 130 hrs the main thing is its a really good rpg :)

IMO BUY without a doubt