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wii trisha said:
can you tell me how i get mario strikers charged online play.

i think u have to update your wii by going to the wii options, after u do then u press the lil globe on the mario strikers menu that says wifi connection then u pick a mii then u wait until u get connected. OH and wii codes and strikers codes are different as u can tell on my signature the same thing u do with wii codes u must do with strikers.with what exactly are u having problems with anyway?
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oh the lil globe is in the game sry my mistake i thought u had the game
go to wii options and press wii settings and press on console nickname, but the username isnt really important when ur adding ppl.
some one add me plz lol im lonley with no freinds bought my wii couple of days ago so yea add me my info is under my display pic ty =)
hey Desi Wii i added add me back my number is on my sig and b-low my dp
huh? do u have to use wii points now? hmm i got it 4 free :) but honestly no bcuz its 2 slow and if u already have a computer then wat 4
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add me!

username: Paco

everyone add me i need, people, im new with wii..
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