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What's up. Add me if you'd like. Can't wait for some multiplayer online games for the Wii !!! Hope is on the horizon :smilewinkgrin:
Sup Everyone i am new to the Wii community finally after 3 months of waiting for a pre-order for the place i live in. Please add me my information is to the Left and if you do add me pleas send a Private message!
I'll add you if you add me. My name is Matt and my friend code is 2917-5828-4048-1342.
:aureola: please tell me your friend code!!
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I heard there is a way to hack WIi Friends codes to where you only have other people add you a you don't have to add themm, is this truwe?
Please add me - I have just got my Wii today and I am looking for some people to have as buddys :smilewinkgrin:

Wii Code:1554 - 2716 - 7061 - 5847

I reformatted my wii some time ago I would like more friends i had lost all my mii's please add me and if possible PM me thanks will add everyone who adds me.
lookin for friends on wii jus pm me and ill add u

<------- wii friend code & nickname thx
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