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jedimas4 said:
2067-6787-7362-4548, oh and user name same as my forum name.

contact me if you are adding me

hi jedimas i've added you

my number is: 2515 6388 9647 8078
my name is: WII
looking for people to add me... just let me know if you do and i'll add you back... thanks
WiiGirl2006 said:
If anyone would like to add me, information is on the left. Let me know too, thanks!!

Hey i'll add you - add me please, thanks

Im a Wii Girl too :)

Hey question80, ive added you aswell - add me plz
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add me

:cool: g day all ur welcom to add me to ur freinds lists aswell just email or pm me to let me no you have and if you have mario soccer im allso on there aswelll so dont be shy in asking :smilewinkgrin:
Everyone who has me added, my wii has screwed up so nintendo is sending me a new one, ill have to pm you my new code, pm me first to make it easier then ill send you code
hey peeps.

i have just got a Wii yay at last it has taken me monthes to find one lol Please add me my friends code is 6849-4530-9800-8547. please PM me with your code so i can add you too!!


PS>has any1 got any good ideas for mii's i have run out of ideas!!
hey guys, i'm new to all this but have just bought mario strikers. so add me:

username: L Man
console number: 1430-0193-0685-3554
and nickname: CoCain.

thanks guys, see you on strikers!

hey everyone G24 here,
feel free to add me just send me a pm first so i no:yesnod:

oh yea "Dantheman" i'll add you in a minute.
hey everyone G24 here,
feel free to add me i ain't fussed so whoever, just send me a pm first so i no. CHEERS!
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