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It was my understanding that when I add someone and they add me. The mii's they have will appear in my paprade. Is this correct? I have had some fall into my plaza and a couple show up in my paprade. How does this work?
schnurmac said:
It was my understanding that when I add someone and they add me. The mii's they have will appear in my paprade. Is this correct? I have had some fall into my plaza and a couple show up in my paprade. How does this work?

Any Mii that your friend has "Mingle" turned on for will appear in your parade.
xbeebeex said:
Get at meeh...

Wii friend # : 4836-2571-0535-4621
Wii Username: Wii Mac

added you, my Wii number is, 8506-4584-2656-0169
gammerruben said:
here goes me info please ad me i need some friends for my wii it getting lonely

Big Ben

added you, my Wii number is, 8506-4584-2656-0169
New Wii Owner

Hi everyone please add me and send me your mii's also if you add me please let me know you have by emailing me at or PMing me
Thanks alot, I will also send my Mii's to you.
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