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Brendan, I added you. I also added soybean and whico, would you guys please add me? 1053-9362-6697-7153 is my code, so do it up!!!
volta399 said:
Brendan, I added you. I also added soybean and whico, would you guys please add me? 1053-9362-6697-7153 is my code, so do it up!!!

added you and andrew
Forum username: Westy
Wii online code: 8506 4584 2656 0169
Wii username: Westy
dudeman i have add you but it says dat the other persons has to also add
anyone wants to add oscar aka ozie
feel free
i just got this wii console and i want to see what it does
my wii no. 2621-8029-7190-0914
dudeman i have add you but it says dat the other persons has to also add
anyone wants to add oscar aka ozie
feel free
i just got this wii console and i want to see what it does
my wii no. 2621-8029-7190-0914
oh send me an email it makes it easier
dudeman i have add you but it says dat the other persons has to also add
anyone wants to add oscar aka ozie
feel free
i just got this wii console and i want to see what it does
my wii no. 2621-8029-7190-0914
oh send me an email it makes it easier
oscar-cusman said:
dudeman i have add you but it says dat the other persons has to also add
anyone wants to add oscar aka ozie
feel free
i just got this wii console and i want to see what it does
my wii no. 2621-8029-7190-0914
oh send me an email it makes it easier

i'll add u :) my Wii number is 8506-4584-2656-0169
Add meee , my Wii Numer is 8386 9851 8708 1975
Contact name : 10timestk

respond with your wii code and ill add you !
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