Santa banned from using Ho Ho Ho

owlsgo said:
what a jolly time of year christmas is in australia, too. sweltering heat, flies trying to get up your nose and in your ears. semi-nude old men drinking beer and exposing innocent eyes to their hairy nippled man-boobs. my god... i hate summer in australia... it's coming... please... god no.

more like drip drip drip, merry christmas.

hahaha, Austalia must really suck
Frogger said:
Why don't we just tell them it's not real? ]


"It doesn't frighten me at all. It's what Santa is supposed to say," said Byron, 9, of Melton. "

I seriously doubt he said those words.
More like.

"I don't get scared. That's what Santa always says," is more like what he'd say >[

Blasted media.
bilzar said:
hahaha, Austalia must really suck

Nooo! Australia is fantastic. Best place in the world.

This is stupid, but it's not going to last. We'll still have the same Santa come Christmas. :)
Are you serious?

This has to be the most ridiculous thing to happen to the Holiday season ever since the FCC said shows had to replace Merry Christmas with Happy Holidays, to accommodate those Jewish residents. Gah I can't stand people who HAVE to be politically correct 24/7.

Say goodbye to free speech as we know it children, when we're our parents age, it'll be long gone.
Zelda, that post= complete win. :lol:

People are too over protective. This is completely idiotic..
australia is an awesome place but reading that is just pathetic!
and melbourne weather isnt that bad, it just gets a bad rep cause of winter, the spring and summer are pretty damn sweet!

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