Sanke in Brawl - WHY?!

vinny200 said:
I have heard that SONY copied the sensor for there controller so sony let nintendo allow SNAKE to be in Brawl btw snake rules lol
bullshit. sony doesnt own snake.
They don't. Actually the Owner of Metal Gear begged Nintendo to put him in. It just so happens that the Main Animator of SSBB is a Masive Fan of Metal gear - Thats the REAL Reason it's in my Nintendo Mag a couple of issues back
Well I luv the way Snake was introduced and I love that's he's in the game. But if they add Sonic(Which I believe they should) then he would also have to have a cool intro. Something like when the game is finished they show the commercial/trailer and it says "Super Smash Bros. Brawl, exclusively for the Nintendo Wii" then sonic comes rushing out and says sumthin like "Hey you forgot me." Also if they wanted they could have him finishing a chili dog then running(classic Sonic).
Sonic is definetly goin to be in
Iv seem a picture that showed Sonic and on the bottom said NEWCOMER.
And Sonic only eats chili dogs in the comics.
Wii-Bhoy said:
yeah i think its stupid that they put snake in Brawl too, link is ok but snake is just goin too damn far!!!

You need to go to sony buddy, cuz nintendo isnt playign around any more. Even though melee was loved by everyone. Brawl will have tons of higher 3 party charecters. PLUS METAL SOLID GEARS IS COMMIN TO THE WII! THEY NEED SNAKES! i think snakes is cool, member fire embrem? marth and roy? and their games hittin the top 10?
SpitFire said:
Sonic is definetly goin to be in
Iv seem a picture that showed Sonic and on the bottom said NEWCOMER.
And Sonic only eats chili dogs in the comics.

MANGA! not comics!

MANGA- to be animes, kick-ass, great to be games, super big hits!

comics- garfeild and friends on sunday newspapers.
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i suppose we want more characters in brawl but is it the young snake or grandpa snake?:lol:
BTW - By The Way
AFK - Away From Keyboard
IDD - Indeed
IDK - I Don't Know

Just some others for you mate just incase :)

And Comics aren't just Garfield and in Sunday Newspapers.
Simpsons Comic
Futurama Comic
i think this post is kinda stupid its a good thing snakes in brawl because it means more commercial sucsess for nintendo
ya, all the flamers who dont want snake in have just obviously never played any of the Metal Gear games, and if they have, then their probly just complaining cuz it was too hard for them and they couldnt beat it
Stranger said:
ya, all the flamers who dont want snake in have just obviously never played any of the Metal Gear games, and if they have, then their probly just complaining cuz it was too hard for them and they couldnt beat it

you may have been a bit harsh there m8

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