Rumour: Wii 2 has Blu-ray Drive, Controller Contains a Screen

While I agree that some sort of SD-style memory card system would be cool, the fact of the matter is that it's really cheap to mass-produce blu-ray and DVD discs, especially compared to high capacity memory cards.
NINUSA Should call it "the SuperWii HD" or something more creative than Wii 2; which they will.

So will it be compatible to play 3X backwards (like some of the PS3's out there. PSX, PS2, & PS3); GC, Wii and SWiiHD (?) games?

Will the Virtual Console have more titles? That I want at least?

I think the new controller should be modeled after the bottom half of the DSi XL; except with a speaker. The funtions: it obviously would control your system on/off, the menu, and it's games; it's wireless with a system built in charging station, it has classic controller functions as well as motion controls, it will have Bluetooth to connect a wireless nunchuck or stationary joystick (meaning one that sticks to your table)/ other accessories, and like those Sega Dreamcast Visual Memory units have mini games. *They wouldn't do full length games because then that would take away from their portable sales.*

If GTA V is a launch title they should create a GTA Limited edition Wii; sort of like what they did to the Gamecube with the return of Metal Gear to Nintendo.

I have high expectations and hopes for the sequel to the Wii. Bring it on Nintendo!

I'm not disagreeing with you, but 16GBs and above would be expensive. But my idea is to start cheap, I paid $21.89 for an 8GB which point being, DVD Compacity. XBOX 360 uses DVD, we should start there, however, a newer cardtridge system would be able to update from 8GB, 16GB, 32GB, 64GB, 128GB, 258GB, and 512GBs in compacity. (Although not needed, 128GB-512GB, its there just in case).

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