Kotaku has some fascinating information today about the Wii 2′s controller, from what it says are “sources who are familiar with Nintendo’s plans for the machine.” Kotaku says that its sources have confirmed the recent rumours that the controller will be 6.2 inches, and that it will have eight buttons, a touchscreen, two analog sticks and a camera. Kotaku says that Nintendo’s new system will also support the more traditional Wii Remote-style controllers as well, and that Nintendo still wants players to use the same sort of arm-swinging and control-tilting movements that they use now with the Wii Remote, when gameplay dictates it, such as in a Wii Sports type game.
Kotaku has some fairly detailed information about the new 6.2 controller, which it says will receive data wirelessly from the main console, and will have all sorts of extra features, such as displaying the player’s inventory or maps on the touchscreen.* The controller camera could be used to take pictures that could then be used directly in the game, as well as possibly being used as a viewfinder. Kotaku says they have heard conflicting reports about what direction the camera will face, with some saying back-facing and some saying front-facing.
Nintendo is still firmly refusing to comment on all the speculation, but Kotaku says that it expects Nintendo to reveal the new console and controller at E3 this June.