rry but i need to rant


WiiChat Member
Feb 4, 2011
So I was in a good heros game and had the host on my team he was level 40 or something and im level 16 Im ussing the assult loadout for long explosion kill. we had the gam pretty close I had 3 heros elimination and 18 others with 7 deaths the host was right under me. I had 700+ xp points racked up and then they start winning a few second left and we lost the host. uuuuggggghhhhhhhh what a F&%$#ng as$h@!& I was a few kills to getting us back on top and was killing the hero at that time. I hate sore loosers. people please add me so I cant play with real players.
My biggest problem with heroes is when the other team never actually becomes a hero, they just keep killing our team's heroes and getting way more points. I was playing one of my best matches at Jungle (I had like a 15 sniper streak) and everyone on my team was annihilating, but since they never had a hero, they would get a crap ton of points on killing ours, when they overall sucked
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never had a game where the other hero would not spawn but depending on my team I would spawn only as mi6 I hate the other guns mine are better.
I don't think they should give people a choice, only a warning

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