Role play game feature?

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Please note: I realise posting will increase a bit because of this new game, but i wont tolerate spam in the main Wii forums (spam posts i delete will take a massive chunk of Gil out of your bank), instead feel free to participate in the many forum game threads currently in the off-topic section called The Lounge

Cheers guys!

(btw im armed with a mage masher, so be warned :p)
i0n said:
Please note: I realise posting will increase a bit because of this new game, but i wont tolerate spam in the main Wii forums (spam posts i delete will take a massive chunk of Gil out of your bank), instead feel free to participate in the many forum game threads currently in the off-topic section called The Lounge

Cheers guys!

(btw im armed with a mage masher, so be warned :p)
a mage masher :( that sounds bad for mages like me lol. is there a way to make clans cost money? that way we dont get every member making a clan and get flooded with unused clans. just an idea
Hang on so its gona be like gaia (but with better mods)
im out
this looks cool, just figuring out how to work it, I never knew how to get gil and I died everytime using my fists, hopefull now that I know more I can be sucessful

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