Rogue Squadron and Episode 1 Racer N64


WiiChat Member
Feb 2, 2007
I can't wait for Rogue Squadron and Episode 1 Racer N64 to be released on the Virtual Console! :cornut:

I just hope that these games don't get caught up in all the legal and licensing issues that GoldenEye seemingly has....:mad2: :mad5:

On the other hand, could Lucasarts possibly be publishing a Rogue Squadron 3for the Wii? Who knows?
Does anyone no if there putting Lamborghini Racing on Virtual Console I loved that game!!!
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Sarai_132 said:
Does anyone no if there putting Lamborghini Racing on Virtual Console I loved that game!!!

That was a good game too....wait..I was talking about Rogue Squadron and Episode 1 Racer!

Start your own thread!!! :eek:ut: :prrr:
Rouge Squadron was good, but the sequels they made for the cube in my opinion blew it out of the water. What I really want is Shadows of the Empire... Lucasarts is super secretive so who knows. They better be working on something for the wii or it would be such a waist, with the possibilities of the wiimote.

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