New Screenshots Released For Fifth Monkey Island Episode-1.052009-12-05 10:10:21Maura STo celebrate the imminent release of the fifth and final installment in the WiiWare Tales of Monkey Island series on 8th December, Telltale Games and LucasArts have issued some brand new screenshots as well as a fantastic trailer that provides an overview of the series. As you’ll know if you’ve played the fourth instalment, The Trial and Execution of Guybrush Threepwood, it’s not looking good for series hero Guybrush Threepwood. Not good at all. Can he really be dead?! Telltale Games is promising that many fans’ questions will be answered when the final episode, Rise of the Pirate God, is finally released next week.
“He wanted what every young man wants – to loot, pillage, and sail the high seas in search of further looting and pillaging opportunities,” said Dave Grossman, veteran Monkey Island game designer and writer. “It’s a great tragedy to see such a productive life seemingly cut off prematurely. And I’m not just saying that because he owes me money.”
Can’t wait to see how they wrap it all up!
Tales of Monkey Island: Rise of the Pirate God is released on Tuesday 8th December for WiiWare in North America at a cost of 1000 Wii Points™.