resident evil


tha king of kings
Nov 23, 2007
Wii Online Code
resident evil: UC is coming out on november 30th in the UK

and that is only for the wii

but i wanna know is extinction also on the wii?

or is it not as the wii has already had one made for the console?

any comments appreciated

and if you wanna add me just ask and i'll add youn back
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i know but i think its called extinction, the new game on consoles apart from resident evil: UC?

in africa i think it is?
that's resident evil 5, and I'm sure wii won't get it at launch, but let's pray for a wii-make....

anyway, don't worry about it too much, it may not even be released until 2009....
Kingston said:
that's resident evil 5, and I'm sure wii won't get it at launch, but let's pray for a wii-make....

anyway, don't worry about it too much, it may not even be released until 2009....
most of the i would rather not pray for a "wii-make" cuz they usually kill it on the way to the wii.
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resident evil are the best games
I have RE4 and love it... how does UC compare to it? is it worth having both? (if its more of the same)
redindian said:
I have RE4 and love it... how does UC compare to it? is it worth having both? (if its more of the same)
same here!

RE:UC is a rail ok......but i love the shooting

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