Resident Evil 5 on the Wii anybody?

very true... but like you said its the publishers that make the money... not the developers... and thats why most video games you see specailly 3rd party looks like the intro to a movie, It starts with the Big producer be it Capcom,EA,Sega.. ect and then have the name of a game designing company you never heard of... you see 3 or more company names flash before your eyes before the game stars... its usually the last little one that acctually made the game in the first place...

but just like the publisher the developers have to make money... developers do care about game quality and everything, but they still have to eat... for every 10 games they dont really want to make they might get 1 special project that they do...
you will even notice alot of times gaming awards go to some crazy game you never heard of made by a small company because it was truley unique and new put out by a developer... something a big publishing company wont risk there rep or money on most the time....

there are a ton of big hits that we already heard will make it to the wii very soon... things like rock band "special wii version is in the mix",guitar hero 3, sports games out the butt, and alot of FPS like tom clancy games, these are games that normally wouldn't hit nintendo systems at all... but because of pure sales they kinda have to
with the gameplay of this sytem they can still go down a notch with graphics and replace it with improved gameplay...

what kind of FPS do you want? one with crazy graphics that are so clear you think its real and a 6 axis joystick? or one with a wiimote gun that you have to whip around and aim for real, that feels and acts more lifelike? its kinda a toss up eaither way is great and with this gen of systems it will probably go both ways...
its the next gen that will have to include all of it that will be great for gamers...
I would much rather prefer using the Wii mote to aim. Its simply fun as hell. Problem is not graphics, its the fact that my Xbox has alot more features. Mainly the online and downloadable content. Even for games that are only single player their are achievements which are fun to get. Then lately most games announce that they will be releasing expansions and downloadable content to add on to the game so I end up getting all my 3rd party games on Xbox and get exclusive games on my Wii, like Super mario, zelda, RE4, etc.

So even if RE5 came out on Wii, which would be really cool with the aiming. I would still get it on Xbox because I would be missing out on potential DLC and the fun of getting achievements. An achievement for blowing off 250 heads would be cool.
are these games good ive never played them before because i thought i would wet my pants if i got scared
Ninja Gaiden 2 on the 360 is making me wanna buy a 360 oh and the fact that they are getting


woop woop looks like I shall be investing in a 360 this month
the only reason i'd like to get a 360 at the moment is because of the beast that is call of duty 4.

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