resident evil 4(gamecube)


WiiChat Member
Jan 4, 2007
I just picked this up, but Ive never played this series of games. When I was playing like 7 zombies came at me and I died pretty quick...whats a general strategy for this game? Kill one or two, run around, and kill the rest?
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this was basicaly right at the beginning of the game. I even ran out of ammo with the handgun trying to kill them.
Are you talking about when you just barely walk into the village? If you are, then stay on the road and dont run into the village. Just take them out as they come at you, but a few will come out from behind you, so look out for that. I hope that is the part you are talking about.
I got the GameStop RE 10th anniv. collection :cornut:

Ok, for Resident Evil 4, try to find a building to hide in at the beginning in the village and stay in a corner, aim for the head. DO NOT go into a building with a second floor at the start (you'll know why if u do). Just survive at the beginning, things will get better.

I beat RE 4 first on PS2 then on Gamecube (after I got my Wii). Yes, the game is good enough to buy it twice!
yeah stay on the road that goes into the village. then just wait for them and shoot them in the head. when they stumble kick them!! Byaaahhh!! You'll save ammo this way. Also, the shotgun is in on the second floor of a two story house to the left of the big bonfire, i think. :)
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yea im talking about the part where theres the big bonfire and theyre burning someone. They make you look thru binoculars and you view about 4 of them. Than I had to run up there to get any action, where I was surrounded by those 4 and even more came outta a house and at me, where I ran out of ammo and died.
Do you just fire off like crazy? If your accuracy is usually 75%+ then it shouldn't be much trouble. Just aim at the head and don't rush. Take your time.
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yea I figured it out I got past the first chapter. I just ran into the guy who sells and I bought a rifle...bad move or no? I cant afford the scope for it.
haha.. many of you notice the inside joke Leon makes about the "campfire" in the SUV on the ride in? then a few minutes later one of them is being roasted on one! ;) Dunno how many of you caught it. Great game just beat it for the first time myself.
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just wondering, on average how many hrs does it take to beat one of these games?
The concept of resident evil is not kill everything you see,thats whats its called "survivor horror" try to evade and save ammo for tougher enemies.

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