Resident Evil and other games


WiiChat Member
Nov 22, 2009
This is probably the most absurd post, but hear me out...

My brother owns a Wii and has played Resident Evil. In the past he played both the Resident Evil series and the Silent Hill series for PS2, but on Wii he found such titles difficult. Unlike PS2, Wii seems to run on a track-mode: you have a set path and just shoot whatever comes in your way. Similarly he has had difficulty adjusting to the Wii controls after so many years of playing zombie games on PS2. given all of this information, I am looking to get him a Christmas gift of a Wii game. I can buy him a different type of controller (the gun controller?), but I don't really know which game would be best. Any suggestions? I did an internet search and came across "Cursed Mountain"- any thoughts?
gee i dont know about cursed mountain..
the game's plot wasn't too bad, but the controls were frustrating.. :frown:
IMO, maybe you should try a different game. :papermario:
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gee i dont know about cursed mountain..
the game's plot wasn't too bad, but the controls were frustrating.. :frown:
IMO, maybe you should try a different game. :papermario:

Any recommendations?
let's see...
call of duty 4 or 5
medal of honor heroes 2
metroid prime 3 corruption
these are just a few i enjoyed playing... :papermario:
The OP could try the Game Cube resident evils
Most are just ports f the PSone versions

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