Rep is a good idea but it needs to actually be used!

Meh im on a few allready (cant post names)
Wii_Smurf said:
Yeah by me - I thought you were cool :( - You've shamed Manchester Dark

No the council have shamed manchester
lol, just like the American Government...:nono:
No its worse
There complaining about all these people outa work then they bring in loads of imagrants to fill up all the jobs
I understand, We arent out of work, but our kids that are trying to find work are having a hard time finding one because the Government, thats cares soooooooooo much about keeping immagrants (Mexicans) out, are giving them bennefits and letteing them get first pick jobs over honest hard-working citicens, and most of em are ILLEGAL!!! And as long as someone doesnt call the de-porters on them, they can stay? Bologna!!!
No one uses the rep system here.
On other forums NarutoForums for example the REP system is essential.
Every user uses it. I wish the REP actually was used here. You get custom titles according to how much positive or negative reputation you have. I wish people would use it here. I use it a lot, but have stopped recently because of such a lack of support on it.

Yes, I know...what has needed to be said, has already been said, so im just going to remove my subscription.:thumbsup:

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