The GE Boss
@ Bakura, considering you were only a lvl29 facing 4 ivana players who have played in many wars. You did ok bud
Wars are funny things tbh, the first thing to understand is that other factors come into play -
1. Lag !! Your connection to the lobby is key, if you have to face a group of 56 players who have the jump on you and can seamingly shoot you when you have ducked for cover around corners. You know its not gonna go well.
2. Map knowledge/tactics. Classic example being how they spawnlocked you on outpost,controlling the middle hut and russian spawn is key to winning on that map. But the fact is that wars play out different. I have never played Docks in a war where the boatroom and area outside have seen much action. For some reason the yards seem to be where it all happens. Don't just have a tactic for the map either, have a tactic for team play. I tend to take up positions where I am covering my teammates and I also tend to keep away from them to avoid anybody getting us spawlocked. I am constantly changing up map routes and trying to 'outflank' the opposition too.
3. Weapon/loadout choice. For me it's a mix between Hi-Cap and RTM's depending on map mostly. In regular games I always have a combo of LF and SL with the ivana ( always with SS ). In wars I also throw in an RA + BB loadout for if I'm getting lag killed. Sometimes this helps me duck around corners and survive....live to fight another day if you like.
4. Use explosives. Most wars I play in the screen is almost constantly rockin, just about everyone uses all there frags n frisbee's during a life. Learning how to throw rtm's is key.... I would say that i've only just started to become lethal with those things, timing is key. That said they are pretty useless if the game is too laggy as getting the timing right is a nightmare.
5. Playing as a team. Not withstanding the fact that RS Steve,RS Brambles and RS Bazinga are some of the best players in the game. The reason that we were undefeated as a PAL team is because we all knew each others game. We all knew exactly what we were going to be doing on each map before the game started, effectively controlling how the game played out. I think we only lost one game in all the wars we played, and that was a close one on Indy !!
This is 100% right. Good advice Goldie.
As a whole, I'm not very happy how I played in the war. My best score was like 8-8... I can do much better than that
Koopa, you were great for us in the war, you were always top of our team. Thanks for being a good leader