Rate the last movie you saw

21 - 7/10.

Pretty good, enjoyable. I quite liked understanding the math at the beginning, and Kate Bosworth is hot...but it was generally decent.
District 9: 9/10

It was awesome. Best movie I've seen all year. The acting, CGI(?) aliens called the Prawn were amazingly done. The story was very original and great, they left the ending open for a sequel which I would like to come.

Overall an amazing movie.
Wanted 9/10 a really really great movie
I cant beleive i waited this long to watch it!!!!!!!
Angelina Jollie look extra hot in this 1
Wanted didn't have enough depth in my opinion. No, Angelina Jolie cannot make up for lack of depth.

I saw End of Eva again today. Easy 10 as always. I always come up with a new way to look at Eva every time.
School of Rock
Ice Age 3
I Am Legend
Get Smart
Hot Rod

Coooool Beeeeeeans! :)
Scary Movie 1
8/10 It was funny.

They ran over a guy and he was fine but they kept on hitting him XD Ray (Shawn Wayan) kept doing and saying gay **** and it was funny :) Its a really funny movie that you guys should watch if you haven't.

Shawn Wayans was hilarious in that movie. He stole the show, really.
Shawn Wayans was hilarious in that movie. He stole the show, really.

Yeah he was. His brother Marlon was also funny he played Shorty.

I like the part were Shorty was talking about seeing dead people like in the 6th Sense and all of his stoner friends start cracking up because he is hella high. I also like when Scream is inside the house talking to Cindy on the phone and he is telling her not to look so he could hide.
"Hey pick up the phone!" "Wass Up! XP"
Hey guys, I am going to see G.I.JOE this weekend. How about it? Someone says it is better than Transformer 2. Is that right?
I haven't seen G.I. Joe to know for myself, but honestly, I doubt it would be that hard to outdo Transformers 2. It wasn't bad, but still really disappointing when compared to the incredible Transformers 1.

Yeah he was. His brother Marlon was also funny he played Shorty.

I like the part were Shorty was talking about seeing dead people like in the 6th Sense and all of his stoner friends start cracking up because he is hella high. I also like when Scream is inside the house talking to Cindy on the phone and he is telling her not to look so he could hide.
"Hey pick up the phone!" "Wass Up! XP"

LOL yeah! Marlon was just as hilarious too.
Scary Movie 3

I have seen this movie like 15 times or more. I like the cursed videotape because it's really funny. Queen Latifa fights a woman that was combing her her through a TV and that **** was funny :)
The Last House on the Left 9.5/10

A very gud Fu<ked Up movie!
seriously if you are one of those people who dont know how to think "its just a movie" keep away from this one
The Rape scene was so powerful! And the expression in Mary's face tells you how horrible it was. I dont think i ever want 2 see that again.
what kind of sick minded person would?
This was unlike any other "rape" scene ive seen
Very good acting from the whole cast and anyone can see that from it.
thats why i gave it a good rating
everything was beliveable
Uhhh ok...

Pineapple Express - 8/10 It was really quite funny, I was surprised that I enjoyed it. Definite stoner movie.

Push - 6/10 Quite average movie, had a few moments, but otherwise just ok.

Knowing - 6.5/10 Another average movie, had a few more moments, but just ok.
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