Rate the last movie you saw

Avatar 4/10
It was so stupid. The plot was immeasurably bland and predictable. Yes, visually it was absolutely stunning, but that can't possibly make up for the utter lack of true character development. In all honesty, half the characters were merely plot devices (The General, anyone?), and other than the visual stimulation, I got nothing from that but the same old movie I've seen a million times, other than the fact that things were shiner and I saw more blue. Lets go for some real plot development rather than the same old cookie-cutter plot that we've seen a million times, and lets try not to spend half a billion dollars on it too. (Half a billion...that is not even an exaggeration. It actually cost that much.)

Sherlock Holmes 9.5/10
Stayed relatively true to its literary counterpart. Exciting, Intellectually fueling, and fast paced. Didn't WOW me, but it was more than I had expected. Left itself open for a sequel, which was kinda cool. Acting was PHENOMENAL by Robert Downey Jr. and Jude Law. That really made the movie for me.
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Avatar 4/10
It was so stupid. The plot was immeasurably bland and predictable. Yes, visually it was absolutely stunning, but that can't possibly make up for the utter lack of true character development. In all honesty, half the characters were merely plot devices (The General, anyone?), and other than the visual stimulation, I got nothing from that but the same old movie I've seen a million times, other than the fact that things were shiner and I saw more blue. Lets go for some real plot development rather than the same old cookie-cutter plot that we've seen a million times, and lets try not to spend half a billion dollars on it too. (Half a billion...that is not even an exaggeration. It actually cost that much.)

Sherlock Holmes 8.5/10
Stayed relatively true to its literary counterpart. Exciting, Intellectually fueling, and fast paced. Didn't WOW me, but it was more than I had expected. Left itself open for a sequel, which was kinda cool. Acting was PHENOMENAL by Robert Downey Jr. and Jude Law. That really made the movie for me.

Your review on sherlock holmes sound like a 10/10 for me.:p. Robert Downey Jr. is the man. I gave the movie a 10/10..very good film.

On avatar..i didnt see the movie, but i was thinking about it tommorow..people say its good, then people say its horrible.
Avatar 4/10
It was so stupid. The plot was immeasurably bland and predictable. Yes, visually it was absolutely stunning, but that can't possibly make up for the utter lack of true character development. In all honesty, half the characters were merely plot devices (The General, anyone?), and other than the visual stimulation, I got nothing from that but the same old movie I've seen a million times, other than the fact that things were shiner and I saw more blue. Lets go for some real plot development rather than the same old cookie-cutter plot that we've seen a million times, and lets try not to spend half a billion dollars on it too. (Half a billion...that is not even an exaggeration. It actually cost that much.)

Sherlock Holmes 8.5/10
Stayed relatively true to its literary counterpart. Exciting, Intellectually fueling, and fast paced. Didn't WOW me, but it was more than I had expected. Left itself open for a sequel, which was kinda cool. Acting was PHENOMENAL by Robert Downey Jr. and Jude Law. That really made the movie for me.

Your review on sherlock holmes sound like a 10/10 for me.:p. Robert Downey Jr. is the man. I gave the movie a 10/10..very good film.

On avatar..i didnt see the movie, but i was thinking about it tommorow..people say its good, then people say its horrible.

I revised my decision on Holmes :p

Yea, some people fell in love with Avatar. Clearly I did not xD
last film i saw was a couple of days ago was sherlock holmes good action and great story
Avatar 10/10

Plot was predictable true, but while I am a sucker for a good story, I am also an artist and I'm sure anyone can see that in an artists' point-of-view this movie was absolutely fantastic. There was so much depth to it visually, so much detail to every bit of it, certainly enough to make up for the storys' short comings. Also the movie was very, very imaginative and successfully created an impossible but plausable world. I say, bravo.

Oh and when I saw it last night I saw the trailer for a film adaptation of Kick-Ass! That's one of my favorite Marvel comics ever!
Avatar 4/10
It was so stupid. The plot was immeasurably bland and predictable. Yes, visually it was absolutely stunning, but that can't possibly make up for the utter lack of true character development. In all honesty, half the characters were merely plot devices (The General, anyone?), and other than the visual stimulation, I got nothing from that but the same old movie I've seen a million times, other than the fact that things were shiner and I saw more blue. Lets go for some real plot development rather than the same old cookie-cutter plot that we've seen a million times, and lets try not to spend half a billion dollars on it too. (Half a billion...that is not even an exaggeration. It actually cost that much.)

Sherlock Holmes 9.5/10
Stayed relatively true to its literary counterpart. Exciting, Intellectually fueling, and fast paced. Didn't WOW me, but it was more than I had expected. Left itself open for a sequel, which was kinda cool. Acting was PHENOMENAL by Robert Downey Jr. and Jude Law. That really made the movie for me.

Half a billy? more like 300 millie -nerd scoff-

Avatar 10-10
Hangover 7-10 "going up guys"
^^^Movie was sad.

Snakes On A Plane(tv)-5/10
The ending was kinda bland, and it was gay(>< my vocab) how they didn't follow up on eddie chang(main bad guy.)

I laughed when Samuel's character said "Monkey-flipping snakes on this monkey-flipping plane!"
Avatar in IMAX: 9.5/10

There are a lot of things which contributed to that, one being it was my first IMAX movie. Second, the world, machines, and most everything captured me completely.. it wasn't meant to be an intellectually stimulating movie, it was for action, telling a story about a different world, showing how corrupt humans are, etc. I just really liked it.

Julia & Julie: 9/10

A really great movie to see with your partner, at least in my experience. I thoroughly enjoyed it (watched this with the girlfriend).

Inglourious Basterds: 7.5/10

Brad Pitt and especially Christoph Waltz were fantastic.. the end of the movie is the best. I like the intro too. It may have had to due with the time of night at which I watched this, but I don't think so.. the dialogue was just dead boring a majority of the time. May watch it again some day.. far, far away.
the sky crawlers
I give it a 8/10
It was a bit sad (especially the ending) and suggest that the world is always filled with some sort of war, endless war
LABYRINTH('86?) with David Bowie 10/10

This is a great movie even these days it can easily be rated 9+.
the reason I give it a 10 is because it brought back the child in me while watching it. really loved it back in the days.
Even the singing scenes are great (your not called David bowie for nothing ay). Normally I hate singing scenes but these are relay fantastic. The acting, story and fantasy are top class and the puppets are a true masterpieces.
Lord of the rings 10/10
Best movie of the last 50 years, enough said. It was long, but the ending was amazing. Some parts were boring if you haven't read the books, but the action moments more than made up for them.

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