Rate the last movie you saw

Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix....8/10
...could of had more action.
Transformers - That one with the cars that change into robots (dont think anyones herd of it)

Effects - Class
Plot - Standard
Jokes - Meh
End - Isn't it obvious
All in all
Three outa five

This was meant to be one of the best movies of all time ?
All I see are that car advert with more cars with guns

And begin the argument
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Darkprinny said:
Transformers - That one with the cars that change into robots (dont think anyones herd of it)

Effects - Class
Plot - Standard
Jokes - Meh
End - Isn't it obvious
All in all
Three outa five

This was meant to be one of the best movies of all time ?
All I see are that car advert with more cars with guns

And begin the argument

who hasnt heard of transformers?!
and i highly doubt this was meant to be the best movie all time..i never heard that...because a movie based on TV show could/will never be the best movie...you should already know that..c'mon man
simpsons...5/10, i'd consider giving it 6/10 just for 'eski-moe's' lmfao

very average though, too much childish humour...the simpsons just isn't right to have a full on storyline for an hour and a half or however long it was on for...i also prefer the 'older-looking' simpsons, where it was just like plain 2D, rather than however you want to describe it in the movie - but that's just my opinion
Lewi T said:
simpsons...5/10, i'd consider giving it 6/10 just for 'eski-moe's' lmfao

very average though, too much childish humour...the simpsons just isn't right to have a full on storyline for an hour and a half or however long it was on for...i also prefer the 'older-looking' simpsons, where it was just like plain 2D, rather than however you want to describe it in the movie - but that's just my opinion
what about the part when he cucks the binocoluars at the car and it comes back and hits him in the face!that one was just plain funny!
yeh don't get me wrong there were some things that made me laugh, like the chainsaw bit, or when he was using his hands as binoculars but they worked as real binoculars...i was hopin for more things that just fly over kids heads but make slightly older people get the jokes - like 'shaking more than twice is considered playing with yourself'...the spiderpig and harry plopper bit was funny, but i'd seen it already about a hundred times in trailors, as with some other bits

i was just disappointed really...because its such a big thing, it gets hyped up a lot, too much probably...and obviously u have to see it - i love the simpsons and i've watched it for god knows how many years, and the thought of a movie sounds great, but when you think about it more it just doesn't seem to like, work, as a movie, and in my opinion it didn't
thatstobadd56 said:
who hasnt heard of transformers?!
and i highly doubt this was meant to be the best movie all time..i never heard that...because a movie based on TV show could/will never be the best movie...you should already know that..c'mon man

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