Rate the last movie you saw

^Definitely not scary, but it has an interesting story.
I was really creeped out when watching it though, because it was storming, and, one of my mom's music box things (which hasn't been wound up in years) decided to ring off a few notes when I was watching it.
^Definitely not scary, but it has an interesting story.
I was really creeped out when watching it though, because it was storming, and, one of my mom's music box things (which hasn't been wound up in years) decided to ring off a few notes when I was watching it.

I'd be freaked out if that happened. Aha.
A kid dying of cancer moves into a new house with his family. A house that turns out to be haunted by the spirits of bodies that were "used" by a mortician that used to live there.
It's more complex than that, but that's the basic story.
Supposedly. It's based on what the family says, but there's no telling whether or not the house was actually haunted.
A lot of movies are suppossely based on true events but I don't know if I should believe them.
Was The Texas Chainsaw Massacre real?
at the end of "Haunting in Conneticut" they show real pics of the house dont they?
and it has wierd shadow like things in the window.
A lot of movies are suppossely based on true events but I don't know if I should believe them.
Was The Texas Chainsaw Massacre real?

That film was based on the concept of serial killer, Ed Gein.
He used to keep dead body parts and turn them into masks and he even turned his own mothers skin into a suit in an attempt to be able to dress up as her. When police raided his home they found a human head in his fridge, a couch made of human flesh, skulls on his bedposts and masks made from the faces of his victims.

The song Dead Skin Mask by Slayer is also based on this. :)

Fight Club - 8/10
That film was based on the concept of serial killer, Ed Gein.
He used to keep dead body parts and turn them into masks and he even turned his own mothers skin into a suit in an attempt to be able to dress up as her. When police raided his home they found a human head in his fridge, a couch made of human flesh, skulls on his bedposts and masks made from the faces of his victims.

The song Dead Skin Mask by Slayer is also based on this. :)

:shocked: Isn't he dead?
District 9 - 8.5/10

I didn't think the plot was as "original and fresh" as people have been playing it out to be (I had the entire story nailed down after about 30 min.), but it was still good. CGI was well done. Made me really want to see District 10 as soon as it ended.

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