Rate the last movie you saw

district 9 looks pretty good.

I remember spreading its viral campaign on a few sites, I'm hoping to see it asap.

Have you seen the short it's based on?
new one, never seen the older one
The newer one is a 1 out of 5 the old one is 4.5/5(damn fractions)

Speaking of films with cars
Smokey and the Bandit.
4/5 - Another Classic film even tho the version I'm watching has been cut (I hate it when films have been cut even a pointless edit like the one I just saw)
Its a film that they would really mess up if they remade it like the mentioned at the start of this post
Err... you can rate out of 10, then you don't need to bother with fractions (not that that stops some reviewers using them anyway for whatever stupid reason).
Yeah but I don't use them.

I like to stick to the golden era of CVG style rating.
Its just the Italian Job is a nearly perfect bit of entertain ment with just one or two faults that I don't like.

Speaking of classic films (whoa I'm watching a few.)

4/5 - Its a classic but its down graded by one slight thing witch I shall rant about in a blog sometime
Transformers 2 --- 2/10
Long Bore fest, with over the top CGI, far overly dramatic music, with cameras zooming all over the place, circleing Optimus prime, 24/7, i think it thought far to highly of itself, and relied on the fact its first one did so well (which by the way i wasnt to keen on either)

Harry potter and the half blood prince --- 3/10
again ling and boring (comeing from a book reader) they missed out far too much action and plot lines, which made it exceptionally boring, they focused to much on love and romance, but effects and scenes were brilliant, far better than transformers effects as it wasnt used every other scene
The Orphan - 4/10 - Aside from a few jumpy parts, this movie didn't really scare me.
The commercial didn't even look scary. What was it about?
I'll summarize it in a couple sentences for you:
The family adopts Ehster, some "accidents" happen, Ehster turns out to be a crazed 33-year-old dwarf, and kills 2 of the family members (the boy and the dad). The mom then knocks her out in a pond and leaves her to drown.

After thinking about it, this horror movie is better than most horror films, so I'm upgrading it to a 6/10.
Scary Movie 2
It was funny but it got kind of dull near the end. I like the beggining when the priest was gonna do the exorcisim.

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